Sustainable Plant EXPO 2024 - Report

It hass been really hot here in Japan every day... How is it in your place?

As far as I watch Paris Olympic on TV, the weather seems much more comfortable there.
At Kendensha, our manufacturing staff work at the factory every day, and our sales and service staff work at customer sites pretty often. They are trying to get through this summer with their own ingenuity.

Sustainable Plant Expo 2024, in which we recently participated in, was held at the Tokyo Big Sight East Exhibition Hall, where the Tokyo Heatstroke Prevention Exhibition was also being held at the same time. Kendensha members who attended the fair stretched their legs and walked around the exhibition, too. There were many interesting products and we would like to try them all out if we could.

Sustainable Plant Expo 2024

As this was our first time participating in this trade fair, it was unknown how many visitors would come to the fair and stop by our booth.
We were waiting for the start of the fair with both anxiety and anticipation. When it started, because there were few other water treatment-related exhibitors, we were able to take enough time and talk with the visitors.
There were several talks that we can look forward to becoming actual projects. Therefore, it was worth exhibiting.
We appreciate all the visitors!

Reflection Points

We have renewed product and company brochures but videos on the monitor were not updated. Therefore, the booth lacked a fresh feel.
In addition to the intense heat, we may have become 'accustomed' to exhibiting a series of trade fairs since the beginning of spring. This also diminished freshness.

Since some of the visitors are new to our company, we have again determined to keep the spirit of the early days and make the most of each and every opportunity.
We look forward to the next trade fair.

An Aside...

Since it was mid-summer and they were standing for long hours in leather shoes, which they don't usually wear, some of the staff mentioned that they felt their feet smelled a bit bad.
Hearing this, our CEO happily took out the foot deodorant cream and said, 'Why don't you try some on? Your feet won't smell as bad ♥'
However, understandably, they were not comfortable with the cream after someone else had used and softly refused, saying 'No, it's okay this time'. Then he said 'Well, okay...but this really works...' and left. Apparently, he looked a bit sad.
It is surprising that he carries around an item as such. This was the story of the CEO who was so used to trade fairs that strangely well-prepared.

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