Shimane Prefecture Labour Standards Association President's Encouragement Award

The 2023 Health and Safety Convention was recently held at the Shimane Prefectural Hall.
The annual event is organised by the Prefectural Liaison Council of Industrial Accident Prevention Organisations, the Prefectural Safety and Labour Bureau and the Labour Standards Association.
This year, Kendensha received the Shimane Labour Standards Association President's "Encouragement Award"!

In recent years, we have put a lot of effort into our health and safety activities, starting with the organisation of a Health and Safety Committee, and including near-accident reports, 5S activities, measures against extreme heat at the head office factory and fire drills, etc. It seems that the award recognised these ongoing efforts.
We have reported our health and safety activities such as initial fire drills and insulation work on the factory roof in this blog. We will continue our efforts with all our employees and strive to work safer and to deliver better products to our customers. We will report back on this blog from time to time.

Thank you very much for the wonderful award.