The Very First Post!

Hi, this is Satoshi Yoshida, Factory Director.
I had been wondering what to write on my first post and realised that I want people to know about Kendensha and what is happening there.
So, I am going to write about us, Kendensha.
My first post is on that “We are going to install a new machine!”.
It is a press brake by Amada.
Therefore, old ones have been being taken away from their places.
They were made in 1987 and 1990. Slightly junior to me but we shared our youth.
Thank you for long time service, I apologise for having made you guys work so hard.
Sorry for having scowled and told you, like ‘The size is not correct’. I will never forget you two.
I sort of miss old machines when they disappear from my sight.
However, the new press brake is coming to our factory this month.
It is so anticipated. We will be able to perform precise bending in-house. A brand new machine always makes us excited because it is just ‘brand new’. Thus, I tend to stop thinking much about old machines which are going to be taken away.
I keep in mind that we will cherish them until the last day.
So, next time, I am going to introduce the new press machine. Don’t miss it!
Satoshi Yoshida