Shimane Prefecture Website

Article has been published on Shimane prefecture industrial products site

There are an article on our solid-liquid separator 'KDS Separator' and an interview about business expansion overseas and future prospects.
English Page
Japanese Page
Thai Page
Cats added to the top page

Cats appear on the homepage of this website.
One of the images on the server is displayed at random. Therefore, the cat changes every time you open or reload the top page.
Why cats for a wastewater treatment company? The reason is a little explained in a previous post 'Website Renewal'. However, I personally think it is more simple.
Until recently, there were only three images of cats on the top page. It is far from enough for visitors to enjoy a different cat every time they open our site. We had wanted to increase the number of pictures, and finally added some more. Most of them were uploaded from Managing Director's smartphone.
You probably think they have nothing to do with wastewater treatment, but please check them out.